My Dieting Journey So Far…

For those battling with losing weight, I know that sometimes the pressure to lose the pounds can pile up (no pun intended) and you may end up being pushed to look for the easy way out. After the birth of my twin boys, I was so engrossed in motherhood that i didn’t even notice how much weight I had gained until I was ready to go back to work one year later, and none of my clothes could fit me! The next day, as I was shopping in the store, I noticed some dieting herbal teas that promised to help me shed the weight in as less than a month. It sounded like exactly what I was looking for, so I got two packets of the dieting tea and went home. After a few days, even though I didn’t notice any change, apart from a bout of diarrhea I developed after taking a few cups of the tea that had promised me magic weight loss, I decided to look for something else.

The absolutely no carbohydrates diet

I did some basic research online, where I bumped on an article that suggested dieting by eating no carbohydrates at all. I sunk in and stayed away from bread or anything that had carbs in it. Sometimes I would feel light headed and crave so much for my favorite pie, but I held on to my diet and kept checking the scale. My husband would beg me to try his deliciously made spaghetti, but I would politly decline because i was on a mission to lose weight fast!

Then came the smoothie diet

I didn’t get my desired results with taking no carbohydrates , so I decided to try a new form of dieting that involved drinking liquids only. I got my blender moving and took as much smoothies as I could. I blended kales with kiwi and avocado or any fruit that looked like it could make a smoothie. Sometimes I would try to convince my twins to join me so that we can enjoy the smoothie together, but none of them was willing to help me in my dieting endeavors.

The apple and water combination diet

I managed to lose a little weight with the smoothie diet, and then one day I was talking with my friend who suggested the apple and water diet. All I needed to do was drink water, and when I felt hungry, I was supposed to munch on an apple. It sounded ridiculous, mainly because I am not a big fan of apples, but my friend convinced me, backing it up with a published book of an author who lost so much weight by dieting on water and apples. I gave it a try because I was so desperate to see something that would get me to fit in my before motherhood clothes.

Counting calories:
In no time, I got tired of taking liquids and fruits and I craved so much for real food. I then figured that if I could do the calorie counting dieting where I would obsess about how much calories were in a particular food. it was tedious and frustrating, trying to memorize figures and calculate if what I was consuming was the right amount. I gave up on all these diets, but I am still looking for something that will make me lose some weight. I hope I will find it soon. Something I have been tempted to try is the glowing lean system by kimberly snyder, because I read this interesting review which makes it sound pretty interesting. I’d love to eat healthier foods and have more energy, as that’s something I’ve often struggled with in the past and I know that your diet can have a big influence on these things!

I’ve recently started drinking her glowing green smoothie, and it’s pretty good! I found it via this video, it’s worth a look if you’re interested.

Hey what’s up guys!!

Hey guys, my name is poppy, thanks for finding my blog! I used to blog over at tumblr but I’ve decided to start again over here to get away from some people and just start over, it’s always nice to have a fresh start I think! 🙂

I’m going to keep this as a personal / weight loss / dieting blog, because I’ve been trying hard to lose weight again and this time I’m taking it very seriously! I’ve been doing lots of research and spending lots of time finding out about nutrition, how to make lifestyle changes and all sorts. this time I’m really going to do it no matter what it takes!

I’ve lost weight in the past but keeping it off over the long term is always a challenge, so I’m starting from the ground up and learning about nutrition, healthy eating, and exercise. I’ll be sharing my plans in a future post and you’re welcome to follow along and I appreciate any encourage you have!!

Thanks so much for reading I really appreciate you checking my blog out, I’ll see you in the comments!! 🙂